Focus on sustainability is focusing on health
Sustainability is one of our focal points when developing and producing our feed ingredients and additives. It is our goal to support the efficient production of milk, meat, and eggs by providing optimal feed while respecting our environment. Since our products result in the improvement of animal health, less medication will be needed which will improve human health in the end. We are constantly working to improving the feed-to-food conversion rate which will lead to a decrease in minerals and CO₂ emissions, resulting in a smaller carbon footprint. By assuring quality feed for animals, we assure the quality of food for humans.
Besides, we noticed an incrementally strong global tendency to raise awareness about healthy animal feed. Consumers demand wholesome animal products; grown and produced in an environmentally friendly and safe way. This requires a different approach to animal feeding.
We are aware of our role in the food chain and we take our responsibility accordingly. Consequently, we are committed to providing premixes, protein concentrates, feed additives and milk replacers that improve performance without increasing the burden on natural resources.
Furthermore, we are committed to decreasing our carbon footprint. To achieve this goal, we chose to drive eco-friendly hybrid cars and we provide us with electricity through our solar panels that are installed on the roof.